The International Compliance Association (ICA) and Association of Compliance Officers – Greece (ASCO-Greece) announce a Joint Event

Image related to The International Compliance Association (ICA) and Association of Compliance Officers – Greece (ASCO-Greece) announce a Joint Event

The International Compliance Association (ICA), the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community, is excited to announce the forthcoming visit of ICA President Pekka Dare to Greece, where he will participate in a joint event with the Association of Compliance Officers – Greece (ASCO-Greece). 

The event, which will be hosted by Nomiki Bibliothiki, will take place on April 16, 2024. Pekka Dare will discuss the impact of new technology and AI developments on the compliance sector, providing insight into the future of the industry. 

Speaking about his upcoming visit, Pekka Dare commented, “My visit is a great opportunity to work more closely with ASCO and some of our clients in Greece. ICA has collaborated with ASCO since it was founded, and we look forward to an even stronger connection with ASCO in the future!” 

Michel Montbertrand of ASCO-Greece added, “We welcome the visit of the ICA President, Pekka Dare, and the opportunity to present an event on the subject of new technology and AI in compliance. We are grateful for the support of the ICA and look forward to strengthening our partnership in the future.” 

The Event on the 16th April will be hosted by: NOMIKI BIBLIOTHIKI at Charis Karatzas Hall, 23 Mavromichali str., 106 80 Athens, Greece. 




About ASCO

The Association of Compliance Officers in Greece (ASCO Greece) is the official association for compliance executives in Greece. Founded in May 2016, ASCO Greece works to promote and disseminate the operational framework for Compliance and to strengthen the role of Compliance Managers within the Greek business environment.